The Rules of the Anglo-Swiss Club of Locarno

Art. 1 Anglo-Swiss Club of Locarno

  1. An Association is formed under the name “Anglo-Swiss Club of Locarno“ (ASCL). The ASCL is an association according to Art. 60-79 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB/CCS) and has its domicile in Locarno, Switzerland.
  2. The purposes of the Anglo-Swiss Club of Locarno are:
    • to encourage people in the study of the English language by offering its members an opportunity to speak English;
    • to enable English-speaking foreigners staying in Locarno or its surroundings to meet friends;
    • to promote goodwill and understanding between the people of Switzerland and the English-speaking world.

Art. 2 Meetings

  1. Meetings are held regularly. At a minimum there will be an Annual General Meeting within 3 months of the end of the previous period of account. At this time, the financial year of ASCL ends on 31st December.
  2. Every meeting is organized and directed by the President as Chairman or in his absence by a Committee member.
  3. Meeting notices and papers can be sent to members by such means as are usual in Club communications to them, in particular including email. There must be at least one week between papers being sent out and any deadline for votes being called for.
  4. Members may vote only once, either in person at the Meeting if held physically or by such electronic means as are also deemed suitable by the Committee, such as an electronic survey.

Art. 3 Membership

  1. The Committee decides who shall be admitted to the Club for membership as follows:
    • active members;
    • honorary members.
      Honorary membership may be conferred on persons who have rendered significant services to the Club.
  2. The Club is open to everyone regardless of political affiliation or religious creed.
  3. Application for membership can be made to the Committee in writing or by email. The Committee’s decision is communicated in writing or by email to the new member together with a copy of these Rules.
  4. Acceptance of membership means the acceptance of the tacit obligation to:
    • observe the Rules;
    • take a lively interest in the welfare of the Club;
    • speak only English all times in the course of Club activities.
  5. All members, and those having applied for membership, are entitled to attend Club events. Members may also bring personal guests, after advising the Secretary or organiser of the event, and paying an appropriate contribution for these guests if so required. Non-members with no affiliation to the Club are entitled to attend events only if specifically agreed by the Secretary or organiser of the event.
  6. Members wishing to leave the Club must give notice in writing or by email to the Club Secretary.
  7. Members who do not observe the Rules or whose conduct might be considered to damage the reputation of the Club may be expelled from the Club by the Committee. Such members have the right of appeal at the next meeting. After resignation or expulsion no member has any claim whatsoever on the property of the Club.

Art. 4 Dues

  1. The Club must be financially independent. Its funds are provided by payment of annual dues, the amount of which is fixed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and by occasional donations made by members or non-members.
  2. Honorary members are exempt from the payment of annual dues.
  3. Members who have been warned and still fail to pay their dues forfeit the right of membership.

Art. 5 Committee

  1. The Club is managed by a Committee, ideally of at least seven members. The minimum number of members of the Committee shall be three: 1) Secretary; 2) Treasurer; 3) Member.
  2. The Committee is responsible for deciding on the Policy and Strategy for the Club’s activities. While the President, if there is one, the Treasurer and the Secretary shall be distinct members with the functions normal with these titles, the Committee can otherwise organize itself as it sees fit.
  3. The Committee shall give an account of Club activities during the past Club year at the AGM and shall resign from its functions after the approval of the various reports by the AGM.
  4. The Committee is elected yearly at the AGM. Committee members may be re-elected. The Committee may invite a member to join the Committee at any time, this appointment to be confirmed in common with the rest of the Committee at the following AGM.
  5. The Committee alone is authorized to represent the Club. The President, if there is one, and the Treasurer are authorized to sign for the Club. Their joint signature is not necessary for payments.
  6. While meetings will normally be held in person, in case of special need, and if no one objects, the committee can also meet and decide in hybrid or virtual form.

Art 6 AGM

  1. After the end of the Club year,  currently 31st December of each year, the accounts and books are to be checked by two active members, at least one not being a committee member, who have been elected as Auditors at the preceding AGM.
  2. The AGM is to be announced at least a week before the meeting.
  3. The Committee or one third of the members are entitled at any time to request a General Meeting, either in writing or by email, with an indication of the reasons for their request.
  4. In case of special need or circumstances, the committee may decide that general meetings may also take place in hybrid or virtual form.

Art 7 Liability

  1. Members of the ASCL are not liable for obligations of the ASCL. Any liability of the members is excluded.

Art 8 Dissolution

  1. The dissolution of the Club can only be decided by three-quarters of all members, at a meeting called with this explicitly on the agenda. In case the required quorum is not present at the meeting in which the dissolution of the Club is an item on the agenda, a second meeting will be convened and will be held one week after the first meeting and during this meeting the dissolution of the Club can be decided by the majority of those present.
  2. After the dissolution of the Club, any surplus funds or property of the Club shall be devoted to some charitable purpose to be determined by the assembly. In the case of a tie the President, if there is one, has the deciding vote.

Art 9 Rules

  1. No alterations or modifications of these Rules can be made except at the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
  2. No such alterations or modifications can be made unless two-thirds of the members voting either in person or by other accepted means agree.
  3. No alteration to Art 8 can be made unless voted on by members with the quorum and majority as is specified in that Article for the decision to dissolve the Club.


The foregoing Rules were approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 23rd March, 2024, taking the place of the Rules approved at the Annual General Meeting of 19th June 2004, which in turn had replaced the previous rules of 1st June, 1982, and come into force immediately.