Past Speakers

Alexandre Liebeskind

Presidential Asst., Int'l Committee of the Red Cross

Andreas Nüssel

Managing Director Europe, Silversea Cruises

Anton Mosimann

International Restaurateur

Arancha Gonzales

Executive Director, International Trade Centre (UN/WTO)

Mr Benjamin Koch

Price Waterhouse Coopers

Prof. Boas Erez

Università della Svizzera Italiana

Christian Sciullo

Google European Cloud Platform Leader

Avv. Carla del Ponte

UN War Crimes Prosecutor

David Lane

The Economist Rome correspondent, Berlusconi Author

Carlo Ossola

Swiss national Rep. on UNESCO World heritage Site Committee

Camilla Bernbach

Jakob Schlaepfer Chief Embroiderer

David Willey

Italian and Swiss BBC correspondent

H.E. David Moran

British Ambassador to CH and Liechtenstein

Dr. Dennis Oswald

Swiss Representative on the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Dr. Vickie Pasterski

Gender Identity Specialist

Donald S. Beyer

U.S. Ambassador to CH and Liechtenstein

Helen Wallimann

Writer, translator

Diccon Bewes

best-selling author of books about Switzerland

Dr. Renzo Simoni

Alptransit CEO

Dr. Agostino Mattei

Specialist in robot-assisted surgery

Ellen Wallace

Expert and author on Swiss wines

Edward McMullen Jr.

US Ambassador to Switzerland & Liechtenstein

Daisy Gilardi

Professional Antarctic photographer

Dr. Giovanni Pedrazzini

Head of Cardiac Surgery, Ticino Cardiocentro

Jane Owen

HM British Ambassador

James Gaffigan

University of Pennsylvania and Cambridge – modern history

Jill Mathis


John Axelrod

International Orchestral Conductor

Laurent Saveur

Swiss Director, Medecins Sans Frontieres

Luciano Wannesson

Head of Oncology, IOS

Marc Michel-Amadry

Sothebys Switzerland Managing Director

Marco Solari

President, Locarno International Film Festival

Michael Haefliger

Intendant, Lucerne Festival

Dr. Mauro Dell'Ambrogio

Federal State Secretary for Innovation, Education and Research

Dr. Michael Reiterer

EU Head of Delegation.

Betty King

US UN Ambassador

Pascal Couchepin

Former Federation President

Nicolas Pernot

Photographer and writer

Elvira Dones & Maria Raffaella Bruno Realini

Author & PEN International

Prof. Jonathan Steinberg

University of Pennsylvania and Cambridge – modern history.

Prof. Louise Harra

Institute of Particle and Astrophysics, ETH Zürich

Richard Jones

EU Head of Delegation

Rolph Zibung

Bucherer Chief Diamond Buyer

Richard Wherlock

Director Basel Ballet

Sergio Savoia

WWF Director, European Alpine Programme

Suzan LeVine

U.S. Ambassador to CH and Liechtenstein

Maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy

International orchestral conductor and pianist

Thomas Ide

The Whisky Chamber

Werner Kropik

Swiss and Italian TV and travel film producer

Victor Vertunni di Albanella

Singer and Songwriter